Workshops Available for Business and Health Care
- Once Upon a Time in the Workplace: Using Storytelling to Improve Communication in Business – People use and remember information best when it is presented in the form of a story. Examine how to use story to your company’s advantage.
- Storytelling: Your Greatest Selling Tool – How are you reaching your customers? Are they hearing facts, but not connecting with you or remembering you? Find out how to use story effectively to impact your customers.
- Tell Your Company’s Story – is the name of the game. Use story to show your customers what your company can do for them.
- Toss a Starfish into the Sea: Making a Difference with Healing Stories – Use storytelling to find just the right words; the perfect message.
Contact Terry to Schedule a Workshop
“I loved your workshop at the Health Symposium and can’t wait to hear you share your stories and insights with our medical staff.” – Amy L., hospital program coordinator
“Thanks so much for taking time from your busy schedule to present at our conference. Everyone really enjoyed your storytelling. It was a great end to a great day. People leave with a smile and that is always good.” – Mayo Geriatric Symposium
Business Bibliography
These are the books that I have found helpful. I’m sure there are many more. I know Stephen Denning also has a web page.
- Armstrong, David Managing by Storying Around: A New Method of Leadership
- Byham, William, Zapp! The Lightning of Empowerment
- Clark, Evelyn Around the Corporate Campfire
- Denning, Stephen The Leader’s Guide to Storytelling
- Denning, Stephen Squirrel Inc
- Gallagher, Richard What to Say to a Porcupine
- Heath, Chip & Heath, Dan Made to Stick
- Newhauser, Peg Corporate Legends and Lore The Power of Storytelling as a Management Tool
- Noonan, David Aesop & the CEO
- Pink, Daniel A Whole New Mind
- Silverman. Lori Wake Me Up When the Data Is Over
- Wacker, Mary & Silverman, Lori Stories Trainers Tell